God's Poem


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Esphesians 2:10

In my own life, growing closer to the Lord has been a slow evolving process.  Some people instantly have a close bond with Jesus.  I believe the apostle Paul might have had that gift.  But for me, it’s been like getting to know a family member such as a spouse or a child.  The longer you spend with them, the more you really begin to understand every aspect of their personality.  

God used this verse recently in my life to draw me even closer to Him.  As you study the Bible you really begin to sense that God has this big amazing plan that He’s still working on.  Honestly, the whole thing makes me feel really small sometimes.  It’s an over-arching, beyond time and space, plan to redeem all of mankind.  I can’t help but ask myself “How do I fit into all of this?”.  

I recently heard Esphesians 2:10 explained in a way that I had never thought of before.  God has prepared good works for me to do.  In fact, I was created for good works.  God knew before I was even born what these good works would be and He prepared them specifically for me to do.  My job is to serve Him faithfully and seek out what those good works might be.  

The purpose of these “good works” is to become part of God’s masterpiece.  His workmanship translates in the Ancient Greek to the word poiema. God wants us to be a part of His beautiful poem.  Our infinite and amazing creator is still creating today and we are allowed to be a part of His masterpiece!

It is always such an honor to see glimpses of God’s work.  After years of tension and distance with a close family member, God recently did an unbelievable work in our relationship.  The pure and beautiful act of forgiveness and reconciliation was a stunning example to me of the good works that God has prepared for us.  And in this case, it took both of us surrendering to what God was asking us to do, to extend grace and forgiveness and restore a relationship to a wonderful new place.  It has blessed me beyond understanding to have that relationship healed.  

What work has God called you to?  It can be hard to nail down during different seasons of life.  If you asked me to write down my good work on a piece of paper, I still don’t think I could tell you specifically what God has called me to do.  I tend to think it may be the culmination of small works of obedience and surrender in everyday life that, I hope, after a lifetime, will be a helpful contribution to His ongoing masterpiece.  May we each seek out everyday our own, personal good works and offer them up to Him as our humble act of worship. 
