Mystery of Grace

Mystery of Grace

“Mystery of Grace” is a song from my husband about God finding and healing us when we are in that dark place.  Jesus sees us.  He hurts along with us... Read more »


How Beautiful

How Beautiful

More beautiful and powerful than even the glories of heaven is God's pure, unadulterated love. Read more »


Unto You

Unto You

Sometimes, writing a song is fast and furious.  A Child in Your Arms was written in less than three days!  But other times, you really struggle and labor over a song.  Unto You was written from that kind of work.  Many days, after spending a full nine or ten hours working, my husband would sit at the piano and stay up late working on this song.... Read more »




From Steve... For as long as I can remember, I've tried to imagine heaven.   We know from Revelation 21 that it is a place where there will be no more tears, and no more pain.  Revelation 22 tells us that God is seated on His throne in heaven, and His servants are worshiping Him. That's what gets me.   Can you imagine the deafening sound of millions of God's servants singing the praises of Jesus...... Read more »


A Child In Your Arms

A Child In Your Arms

From Amanda... Children are amazing, aren't they? If you've ever just watched a mom or dad, especially with a young child, you can't help but be amazed by the tight bond between them.Children cling to their parentwhen they're scared. They want to show every new object to them, and they rise and fall on their approval. I'll never forget holding my first-born son for the very first time. He was born early and weighed only two pounds,two ounces.... Read more »


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